Property certificates

If your account doesn’t have access to these services, an error message will show when you attempt to use a service.

Access to Vic land searches and Vic conveyancing is restricted to clients that have signed the current Customer Agreement.

Further restrictions apply to the Vic land index search – Search by owner name. To access this search, you must also sign the LANDATA® Deed of Grant (PDF) in addition to the Customer Agreement.

Email the completed form/s to your CITEC Confirm contact or our Business Support at

What certificates can I order?

  • Aboriginal Heritage Register (Priority) Crown Electronic Instrument Search
  • Annexure A
  • Building Approval (Priority) 326 (1)
  • Building Approval (Priority) 326 (2)
  • Building Approval (Priority) 326 (1)(2)
  • Building Approval 326 (1)
  • Building Approval 326 (2)
  • Building Approval 326 (1)(2)
  • Commemorative Title Certificates (Authentic or Portfolio) – framed
  • Commemorative Title Certificates (Authentic or Portfolio) – unframed
  • Copy of Crown Diagram
  • Copy of Plan
  • Copy of Title
  • Crown Cancelled Folio Search
  • Crown Dealings on Folio
  • Crown Electronic Instrument Search
  • Crown Folio Statement (Title)
  • Crown History Search
  • Crown Instrument Search
  • Electronic Instrument
  • Encumbrance Plan
  • Extract of Priority Sites Register
  • Flood Level
  • Heritage Certificate (Sec 50)
  • Heritage Certificate (Sec 50) – Urgent
  • History Search
  • Imaged Cancelled Title
  • Instrument Search
  • Land Index Search
  • Land Information Certificate
  • Land Information Certificate (Priority)
  • Land Tax Certificate
  • Owners Corporation Basic Report
  • Owners Corporation Premium Report
  • Planning Certificate
  • Planning Certificate (Priority)
  • Planning Certificate Express
  • Property Transaction Alert (3 months)
  • Property Transaction Alert (6 months)
  • Property Transaction Alert (12 months)
  • Register Search Statement (Title)
  • Section 151 Certificate from Owners Corporation
  • Section 151 Certificate from Owners Corporation (Priority)
  • Sewers and Drains Plan
  • Special Meter Reading
  • Survey Report
  • Stormwater legal point of discharge
  • VicRoads Certificate
  • VicRoads Survey Field Notes
  • VicRoads Survey Plan Diagram
  • Water Information (Priority)
  • Water Information and Special Meter Reading
  • Water Information Statement
  • Water Register Document
  • Water Share Record

What search criteria should I use to order property certificates?

You can search by:

  • lot on plan
  • volume/folio number
  • street address
  • council property number
  • standard parcel identifier
  • crown allotment.

Learn about the search criteria required for each search type in the below table.

Search type Valid criteria
Lot on plan
  • Lot number (up to three)
  • Plan type (two letters)
  • Plan number (up to six)

For example: 123 PS123456.

Volume/folio number
  • Volume number (between one to five numbers)
  • Forward slash (/)
  • Folio number (up to three)

For example: 12345/123.

Street address
  • Unit/Flat number (where applicable)
  • Street number
  • Street name
  • Street type
  • Suburb/Town/Locality
  • Postcode

For example: 123 Smith Street Melbourne 3000.

Council property number
  • Council property number
  • Municipality

For example: 1234567890.

Standard parcel identifier
  • Lot number (up to three)
  • Backslash (\)
  • Plan type
  • Plan number (up to six)

For example: 123\PS123456.

Or, you can enter in the following way:

  • Plan type
  • Plan number (up to six)

For example: CP123456.

Crown allotment
  • Crown allotment number
  • Section number
  • Parish or Township

For example: 12B L1 Township of Beechworth.

Depending on the certificates you order, you may need to provide further information or documents.

If you’ve previously ordered a required document, you can include the order number rather than ordering another copy.

If you don’t provide a title reference, the provider may complete an extra land index search on your behalf.

Where this occurs, you’ll receive a land index search surcharge. This information will display when you select a certificate to order.

What can I get from a title package (via the ‘Title certificates’ option)?

Through our property certificates search, you can order various documents associated with a title. These include the following documents (where available):

  • title
  • instruments
  • property transaction alert
  • dealings on title (also referred to as a final search)
  • title history search (also referred to as a historical search)
  • plan copy
  • owners corporation basic or premium report
  • commemorative title certificate.

Do I need to provide extra details for a land tax certificate?

When you order a Vic land tax certificate, you’ll need extra information. These include:

  • reason for application
  • settlement date
  • vendor and purchaser details.

If you don’t have the vendor details, you can obtain them from our Vic title search.

How can I confirm property details on a map?

Select ‘View and confirm on map’ on the ‘Confirm property’ screen. The map will display your selected property and surrounding properties.

Choose an alternate address on the map to change the property location.

How will I know which property certificates are available for a property?

The information for a given property depends on the town, suburb or locality where it sits. Based on the information you enter, the available certificate list displays.

If multiple authorities appear for a certificate type, you’ll need to identify which authority applies to your property.

What is a certificate warning?

A property certificate may have a warning associated with its use. This usually appears as a red exclamation icon in the certificate list next to the certificate name.

After you select a certificate with a warning, a dialogue box will appear, which you need to accept to continue with your order.

Do I receive a reduced delivery fee when ordering multiple certificates?

After ordering seven chargeable certificates, additional certificates won’t incur a delivery fee. For more information, please visit the Fees page via the link on the header menu after you’ve logged in.

Can I save my order and finish later?

Yes, you can save your order and finish it later via ‘Save, finish later’. Your order will save in the Confirm inbox with the status set to ‘Saved’.

Select the order from the Confirm inbox to resume it.

How long are saved orders stored?

Orders that you save to finish later are available for seven days from the Confirm inbox. After this time, the ‘Saved’ order status will change to ‘Expired’, and you’ll need to resubmit your search.

All orders with a ‘Saved’ status will automatically change to ‘Expired’ in the Confirm inbox at midnight on 30 June every year.

How long should it take for results to return?

For a full list of turnaround times from each authority, please view the turnaround times page.

How and when will my results be available?

Results will return via the email you specified in your delivery profile. They’re also available in the Confirm inbox for up to 90 calendar days.

Can’t find what you’re looking for?

Our Customer Service Centre is here to help you between 8:00 am – 5:00 pm, Monday to Friday.

Phone 1800 773 773

For more information on how to search, view our Vic conveyancing user guide.