Access to Queensland crime and traffic reports is strictly regulated by CITEC Confirm and the Queensland Police Service.

Please read the information on this page carefully to ensure you apply for the appropriate access.

Check your eligibility

Depending on your circumstances, you may be eligible for either:

  1. a single crime or traffic report, or
  2. ongoing access to our online crime and traffic report system.

Who can access single reports?

If you were involved in a crime or traffic incident, or have a bona fide interest in the matter, CITEC Confirm may be able to obtain a specific police report for you. Police reports are available to all members of the public who meet this criteria.

We can only retrieve police reports relating to traffic incidents or property crime, as per the conditions described under the ‘Single reports’ heading below.

We are unable to provide access to domestic violence assault or abuse reports.

Queensland Police officer standing on a verandah speaking with a young woman
Queensland Police officer standing on a verandah speaking with a young woman

Who can access the online system?

Our crime and traffic report system is classified as a Restricted service. Online access can be offered to entities seeking to obtain crime or traffic incident reports on a regular basis.

Access is typically only granted to insurance agencies, legal firms, solicitors and other Queensland Police approved entities.

All applicants are required to undergo suitability checks, including identity verification and criminal history checks.

Queensland Police officer sitting at a desk while looking at a report on a computer
Queensland Police officer sitting at a desk while looking at a report on a computer

Single reports

Traffic incidents

Only complete this form if one of the following applies:

  • you were involved in the traffic incident
  • someone you are acting on behalf of was involved in the traffic incident
  • you reported the traffic incident
  • someone you are acting on behalf of reported the traffic incident.

We are unable to provide access to domestic violence assault or abuse reports.

View a sample traffic incident report (PDF)

Property crime

Only complete this form if the crime report details one of the following offences:

  • theft
  • non-suspicious arson
  • property damage
  • lost property
  • fraud.

We are unable to provide access to domestic violence assault or abuse reports.

View a sample property crime report (PDF)

Additional information about single reports

A report should typically be made available after 28 days of the matter being reported to Police. In some circumstances however, it may take longer than 28 days for the Queensland Police Service to finalise and release a report.

CITEC Confirm will continue to check for completion/updates for a period of 12 months after receiving a properly completed application form.

If you need access to reports that are not related to traffic incidents or property crime, or the information you require is not contained in the report (for example, offender information), you’ll need to apply for information via the Queensland Police Service.

If your business requires police reports on a regular basis, CITEC Confirm can provide online access to approved entities only. Online access is heavily restricted and subject to special conditions, including police approval.

Scroll down to read more information about online access.

Online system access

Our crime and traffic report system is classified as a Restricted service. Online access is heavily restricted and subject to special conditions.

Please read the information about Approved entities for each Police database.

Queensland crime reports

We can provide online access to Queensland Police Service crime reports, for matters involving theft, property damage, arson, fraud and lost property. Online access can only be granted to approved entities (see below).

Crime reports will typically include key information under the main headings of complainants, modus operandi, and property items.

Our Queensland crime reports service also provides access to registration and removal of subrogation interests or rights online.

View a sample property crime report.

Queensland Police officer standing in front of a window writing a report

Approved entities

Online access can be granted to the following approved entities:

  • Insurance firms
  • Loss adjustors

If you do not represent one of the approved entities above, we may still be able to obtain a specific police report for you if you have a bona fide interest. For example, you may be a victim of crime who has been asked to produce a police report detailing the crime. Jump to the one-off reports section above for more information.

Contact our Customer Service Centre directly on 1800 773 773 or by email at for information about applying for online access.

Use these when

  • Processing insurance claims

  • Recovering debt

  • Undertaking litigation

  • Lodging personal injury claims

Only available to

  • Insurance firms

  • Loss adjustors

  • Individuals with a bona fide interest

Queensland traffic incident reports

We also provide access to copies of Queensland Police Service traffic incident reports. Online access can only be granted to approved entities (see below). Limited access may also be available for some non-reportable (non-serious) incident reports.

Traffic incident reports will typically include key information under the main headings of: occurrence, witnesses, crash scene and event, crash description, unit details, towed and other involved vehicles, persons killed or injured (victims), and versions.

View a sample traffic incident report.

Front view of a car damaged in a crash

Approved entities

Online access can be granted to the following approved entities:

  • Insurance firms
  • Loss adjustors
  • Legal firms/solicitors
  • Other Queensland Police Service approved entities

If you do not represent one of the approved entities above, we may still be able to obtain a specific police report for you if you have a bona fide interest. For example, you may be required to produce a police report detailing a traffic incident you were involved in. Jump to the one-off reports section above for more information.

Contact our Customer Service Centre directly on 1800 773 773 or by email at for information about applying for online access.

Use these when

  • Processing insurance claims

  • Recovering debt

  • Undertaking litigation

  • Lodging personal injury claims

Only available to

  • Insurance firms

  • Loss adjustors

  • Legal firms/solicitors
  • Mercantile agents
  • Individuals with a bona fide interest