Land information searches
Our land information services can provide the vital information you or your clients need before buying, selling or developing land and property.
We provide access to title searches in all Australian states and territories, as well as an extensive range of related land searches such as plans, dealings/instruments and other documents.
Land titles can identify current or historical ownership details, and our related searches can retrieve documents that affect a title, including: mortgage, lease, easement transfers, caveats, plans of subdivisions or consolidations.
You can search for property using a variety of criteria, including title reference, property address and owner name.
CITEC Confirm is a NSW Land Registry Services Authorised Information Broker.

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Property conveyancing and settlement services
Confirm provides access to a full range of property settlement and conveyancing services across Australia.
We offer conveyancing due diligence searching for properties in Queensland, New South Wales, and Victoria, providing an extensive range of property certificates from councils and local authorities.
Additionally, we provide a selection of standalone property certificates and searches in Queensland including QCAT’s register of tree dispute applications and pending proceedings, Transport and Main Roads’ property searches, land tax clearances and searches from Energex, Ergon and Powerlink.
Our National Settlement Services portfolio includes manual settlements Australia-wide and electronic settlements for New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland. In addition, we offer document stamping and lodgement, lodgement of settlement notices (Qld), electronic Contract of Sale (NSW) and Verification of Identity (VOI) services for your clients.
We also provide a range of manual services, including lodgement of documents, lodgements at ASIC and manual court filing in court jurisdictions across Australia.