Business and individual searches

Our business and individual searches can be used to retrieve a wide variety of information concerning businesses and individuals in Australia.

We provide access to detailed company and national business name information, live from the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC), and access to bankruptcy information on individuals sourced directly from the National Personal Insolvency Index.

Business man and woman sitting in an office meeting

ASIC and national business names

Our national business names searches can retrieve an enormous amount of information regarding all aspects of a company:

Organisational name browse can be used to verify the correct legal entity, using the ASIC live database.

Current and historical company extracts detail company information, including: status, registered address, directors, shareholders, paid up capital, registered charges and company document listing.

Current and historical personal name extracts detail directorship information, including: personal name roles, appointment date, company name, address, company type, company status and related document numbers.

Current and historical business name extracts contain up-to-date information on a registered business name originating from any state or territory, including: business status, principal place of business, date commenced, renewal date, documents lodged and person(s).

ASIC register searches can retrieve information on individuals who have been banned or disqualified from being company directors.

Imaged copies of company documents lodged with ASIC can include: registered charges, changes to company address and company registrations.

Relational extracts detail a company relationship with other entities, including: shareholdings, current officeholder roles and licenses held.

Equifax commercial enquiries

Equifax searches and reports can help you to understand the risks of working with another company and its directors.

These reports can also be used to gain and understanding of what banks, credit providers and other parties see about your business.

Bankruptcy register search

We provide access to information from the Australian Financial Security Authority’s (AFSA) national bankruptcy register.

When conducting a Bankruptcy Register Search, you can browse a series of records relating to an individual, including their names, addresses, occupations, start dates, dates of birth and alias indicators.

From this list, you are able to order national bankruptcy extracts which typically contain detailed information relating to a bankruptcy.

The Bankruptcy Register Search can also be used to prove that you or another individual is not bankrupt.

Young business man sitting at a desk in an office while using a computer and smiling

Full service listing

Company/business express
MultiPower Express
Company file Current sample (PDF)
Comprehensive sample (PDF)
Bankruptcy Register search Result sample (PDF)

Use these when

  • Assessing credit risk

  • Undertaking asset discovery

  • Commencing legal proceedings

  • Performing due diligence

  • Enforcing security interests

Mostly used by

  • Mercantile agents

  • Banking and finance industries

  • Insurance industry specialists

  • Insolvency practitioners

  • Government departments

  • Legal firms

PPSR collateral and encumbrance services

The Personal Property Securities Register (PPSR) is a national database that holds information on personal property and vehicle encumbrances. This information exists to protect consumers when making certain purchases.

For example, if you purchase a car that is subject to a security interest (financially encumbered), the person or entity with the security interest may be entitled to repossess it!

Our system can be used to retrieve nationally recognised search certificates detailing whether or not a security interest – referred to as a registration – exists over tangible or intangible property, both consumer and commercial.

Searches may be performed using grantor details (individual name or organisation), serial number and/or the known registration number of an existing
security interest on the register. Ordinal searches comparing two registrations are also available.

In addition to searching the PPSR for existing registrations, our system provides the level of access necessary to create new registrations/register new security interests and update, renew or release existing registrations. We can help you set up a Secured Party Group (SPG) to unlock the ability to manage registrations.

Young woman sitting in a home office and smiling

Full service listing

Grantor organisation search Result sample (PDF)
Grantor individual search Result sample (PDF)
Motor vehicle search Result sample (PDF)
PPSR number search
Serial number search
Create Secured Party Group (SPG)
Amend SPG
Create security registration
Amend security registration
Renew security registration
Discharge security registration
Create contract type

Use these when

  • Assessing credit risk

  • Leasing, renting or hiring-out goods

  • Selling goods on retention of title or consignment

  • Buying a car

  • Enforcing security interests

  • Undertaking asset discovery

Mostly used by

  • Banking and finance industries

  • Businesses that rent or hire-out goods and equipment

  • Legal firms

  • Automotive dealers

  • Car buyers

  • Government and local authorities

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