
Welcome hub

Screenshot - Welcome hub

See important updates about our system, services and your account on the welcome hub as soon as you sign in.

Main menu

Screenshot - Confirm Main Menu

The main menu is the launch page for all our services. The links on this page will take you to areas where you can access specific searches and reports.

Some restricted or special services may be unavailable to you. If you have a genuine need to access these services, and you meet certain criteria, we can unlock these services for you. Read more about obtaining additional authorisation below.


Screenshot - Legacy Confirm header
Screenshot - Updated Confirm header

The Confirm header sits at the top of every page. Here you will find quick links to commonly used pages, information about your current location in our system, and your account balance if you have any funds sitting in your Confirm account.

Inbox and My results will take you to a page where you can see all your past searches and download any available results. Read more about Accessing your results below.

You can also select Help at any point to read frequently asked questions about your current search area, or select Menu or Main menu to return to the main menu at any time.

Get authorised

Special services

Some of our services are unavailable to new users and require additional authorisation. These services are referred to as Special services.

While most of our special services can be made available to you without much hassle, certain products are only available to approved entities. You can see a list of our special services below, along with any corresponding eligibility requirements.

If you’re unsure if you qualify, simply contact our Customer Service Centre directly on 1800 773 773 or at

Find out how to apply for access below.

Service Access can be granted to
New South Wales Electronic Duties Returns (EDR)*
  • Any verified user
PEXA platform*
Assorted conveyancing and settlement services*
Queensland Magistrates Court eFiling
Assorted manual filing services*
Victorian Land Registry Services
Queensland Civil & Administrative Tribunal eFiling
  • Solicitors/legal firms
  • Government departments
County Court of Victoria eFiling
Queensland Motor Vehicle Register
  • Statutory entities, such as Commonwealth, State and Local government authorities
  • Insurance companies
  • Solicitors/legal firms
  • Administrators of insolvencies and bankruptcies

Access to the following services

  • New South Wales Electronic Duties Returns (EDR)
  • PEXA platform
  • Assorted conveyancing and settlement services
  • Queensland Magistrates Court eFiling
  • Assorted manual filing services

Can be granted to

  • Any verified user

Access to the following services

  • Queensland Civil & Administrative Tribunal eFiling
  • County Court of Victoria eFiling
  • Magistrates’ Court of Victoria eFiling

Can be granted to

  • Solicitors/legal firms
  • Government departments

Access to the following services

  • Queensland Motor Vehicle Register

Can be granted to

  • Statutory entities, such as Commonwealth, State and Local government authorities
  • Insurance companies
  • Solicitors/legal firms
  • Administrators of insolvencies and bankruptcies
*An invoiced account is required to access these services. Services such as NSW Office of State Revenue EDR and PEXA will require additional details.

Restricted services

In addition to our range of special services, we’re also trusted to provide online access to a number of restricted services from Queensland Police.

These services provide access to highly sensitive data and are heavily restricted. Find out how to apply for access below.

Service Access can be granted to
Queensland Police crime reports
  • Insurance firms
  • Loss adjustors
Queensland Police traffic incident reports
  • Insurance firms
  • Loss adjustors
  • Legal firms/solicitors
  • Other Queensland Police approved entities

Queensland Police crime report access can be granted to:

  • Insurance firms
  • Loss adjustors

Queensland Police traffic incident report access can be granted to:

  • Insurance firms
  • Loss adjusters
  • Legal firms/solicitors
  • Other Queensland Police approved entities

If you do not meet the above criteria for access to our online system, we may still be able to obtain a specific police report for you if you have a bona fide interest. For example, you may be a victim of crime who has been asked to produce a police report detailing the crime.

Please visit our Queensland Police reports page to find out more about manual orders and to download an application form. If you have any questions, contact our Customer Service Centre on 1800 773 773 or at

Apply for access

Access to our special services can be requested from within our system. Simply select the service you require from our main menu, and our system will produce a ‘Request for access’ form for you to complete.

If you require access to our restricted services, please contact our Customer Service Centre on 1800 773 773 or at, so that they can advise you of the necessary steps.

Add funds to your account

Account top-up

Before you can order any searches, you’ll need to add some funds to your Confirm account. The easiest way to do this is to select Add funds on the welcome hub.

You’ll be asked how much you’d like to pay into your Confirm account. Once you’ve entered a value, you’ll be taken to the Queensland Government’s secure Notice to pay environment, where you can provide your credit card details with confidence.

Please note that payments made to Confirm and other Queensland Government agencies will appear on your credit card statement as ‘QUEENSLAND GOVT 2’.

Other agencies using this payment description include the Department of Transport and Main Roads, Residential Tenancies Authority, Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages and more. If you have made a payment to one of these agencies, or any other Queensland Government agency, you may also see this transaction description on your credit card statement.

Pay the difference

Screenshot - Pay the difference

If you attempt to order a search with an associated fee that is higher than your Confirm account balance, you’ll simply be asked to top-up your account with the difference before proceeding.

For example: your Confirm account balance is $10.00 and you attempt to order a Bankruptcy Register Search which costs $29.92. Our system will request a payment of $19.92 before processing the order.

Switch to invoiced

Many of our clients are large organisations that need to conduct thousands of searches each month. Some of our systems also have pricing models where a charge cannot be determined until an order has been placed and investigated.

In these cases, we’re able to set up an Invoiced account to allow invoiced payments on a fortnightly schedule. This will allow you to continue searching without interruption up to a predetermined limit, instead of requiring multiple credit card top ups.

If you’d like to convert your account and switch to invoiced payments, please contact our Customer Service Centre directly on 1800 773 773 or at

Access your results

The Confirm Inbox

Screenshot - Confirm Inbox

In most cases, you’ll receive an immediate online result that can be downloaded on the spot.

However, if you’ve misplaced a search result, you can use the Confirm Inbox to download it again at no extra charge. You can access the Inbox by selecting the Inbox link from the Confirm header. The Confirm Inbox contains details about transactions conducted under your account, and successful search results from the last 30 calendar days.

Once you’ve arrived in the Inbox, you can specify some search parameters to filter your transaction history.

Screenshot - Confirm Inbox Search

Keep in mind that the Inbox will not re-order your search or update your result – it only provides access to the result that was returned to you at the time of the original search. For this reason, certain results for time-sensitive searches may contain old or expired information.

Due to a combination of legislative requirements and technical reasons, the availability of some search results differs from what is described above. Read more about Inbox Exceptions below.


Due to a combination of legislative requirements and technical conditions, not all search results are available via the Confirm Inbox for 30 calendar days.

Bankruptcy Register search results are stored until midnight (AEST) on the day of the search.

Queensland Lands search results are stored for 30 business days.

Manually ordered conveyancing products are returned to you directly and not stored in the Inbox.

Successfully lodged court documents are not available via the Inbox and must be accessed from the corresponding product menu.

If you would like to check the availability of a particular product, please contact our Customer Service Centre directly on 1800 773 773 or at for more detailed information.

Expired results

If your result has expired, you may no longer be able to download it again from the Inbox. In these cases, you may need to order a new search if you wish to obtain a current result.

Ask for help

Contact our Customer Service Centre

Our dedicated, Brisbane-based Customer Service Centre has been extensively trained to provide whatever additional help you may need.

If you’re stuck or just have a question, give us a call us on 1800 773 773 or email us at