Queensland registration, owner name, and plate searches
Online searches
Our vehicle registration searches can retrieve motor vehicle, marine vessel, caravan or trailer information. Information returned by this search can include: the CRN (Driver’s Licence number), name and address of the registered owner, vehicle details, registration details, time of last record update and registration effective date.
Vehicle registration searches can be configured to look for current or historical/point-in-time information.
Current registration searches can be used to retrieve registration information as recorded at the time of the search.
Point-in-time registration searches can be used to retrieve registration information as recorded on a specific date, on or after 09 June 1998. Earlier records can be obtained through the use of our document ordering facility.
Our online system typically requires the input of a registration number to locate vehicle, marine vessel, caravan or trailer information. We can also provide, to approved state and federal government departments ONLY, the ability to search for current and historical vehicle registration information using owner name details.

Document ordering
Our QMVR document ordering facility accepts additional search criteria, including: personalised plate numbers, dealer plate numbers, VIN/Chassis numbers, or engine numbers.
Bulk upload
We have also developed a bulk upload facility that can accept and process files containing up to 5,000 transactions at a time. This service can be made available to authorised government agencies who are responsible for parking and traffic infringements.
Approved entities
We take privacy and information security very seriously. Online access to the QMVR can be granted to the following approved entities ONLY:
- Statutory entities, such as Commonwealth, State and Local government authorities
- Insurance companies
- Solicitors/legal firms
- Administrators of insolvencies and bankruptcies
Please contact our Customer Service Centre directly on 1800 773 773 or by email at confirm@citec.com.au for more information.

Full service listing
National vehicle encumbrance and collateral services
Our system can be used to retrieve nationally recognised search certificates, detailing whether or not a security interest – referred to as a registration – exists over a vehicle, boat, outboard motor or other item of collateral, be it consumer or commercial.
Searches may be performed using grantor details (individual name or organisation), serial number (VIN, HIN etc.) and/or the known registration number of an existing security interest on the register. An ordinal search comparing two registrations is also available.
In addition to searching the PPSR for existing registrations, our system provides the level of access necessary to create new registrations/register new security interests and update, renew or release existing registrations. We can help you set up a Secured Party Group (SPG) to unlock the ability to manage registrations.